Aviation Cooperation
European Cooperation in Safety Investigations is based on three pillars:
These three entities complement each other and have always coordinated their respective actions.
ENCASIA (more info on link to ENCASIA next page)
The European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities (ENCASIA) was established in January 2011 thanks to the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No 996/2010 on the investigation and prevention of accidents and incidents in civil aviation.
ENCASIA’s mission is to further improve the quality of air safety investigations and to strengthen the independence of the national investigating authorities.
ENCASIA constitutes an independent grouping of the 27 civil aviation safety investigation authorities (SIAs) of the EU Member States. In addition to these 27 States, there are observers: Iceland, Kosovo, Norway, Switzerland.
The ECAC Group of experts on air accident and incident investigation (ACC) was started to prepare ICAO's Accident Investigation Divisional meeting in 1992 and has continued ever since. It is composed of 44 States, international organisations and industry to serve as a think-tank for European Safety Investigation Authorities (SIAs).
The following link to the official ECAC ACC website provides more information.
ESASI is the European branch of ISASI. It was resurrected in 2008 and ever since has organised seminars and other activities on a yearly basis. It is open to all those who have an interest in safety investigations. It is composed of governmental organisations, academia, trade unions, individuals, etc. from Europe and beyond. It has worked in close coordination with ENCASIA and ECAC ACC.